Week 3

So far so good. I am on week 3 and im feeling pretty good. So far the only change is 2 Lb of Lean mass gained. Just gotta get better with the diet and continue the workouts.

Good Luck to me!

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Round 2….. FIGHT!

Finally, summer is over. I am now back on the wagon and it’s tough. It’s pretty insane how your body looses pretty much all of the physical fitness that you develop if you don’t work out. Thankfully I have kept off the 20 lbs I lost on round 1 so I am very happy about that.

It is time now to start round 2 and I am setting a goal of another 20 lbs which should be relatively simple to achieve If I stick to it again. Annie’s back in school which mean I have my workout slot of time open again. It is now day 2 and I am definitely feeling it. I have yet to complete the workouts so it feels like I am pretty much on week 2 of my first round. I was able to do 5 push ups per set which is still better than my 2-3 on my knees when I first started so I haven’t totally lost my fitness.

Nevertheless, it is going to be brutal and I must get ready and face it. Wish me luck!

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Running out of gas

I don’t know what it is but lately I have been having a tough time finishing the workouts. I don’t know if I am not eating enough/Well ? . I haven’t gained any weight but maybe it was that 2 week break. I guess It’s sort of like starting over again partially? I just got to about 8 min left in Chest and arms and I couldn’t do any more push ups… My arms starting giving up on me. I guess I just have to keep trying.

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Upper Body Massacre

I think it’s interesting how the more you try to follow the rules the less you can do. I’m doing a mix of the One-on-one videos with the P90X videos for my second round so that I don’t get burned out on the same videos and exercises. Today instead of chest and back I did the Upper body Massacre and holy crap!

I forced myself to keep up with Tony and sadly I am destroyed and only got through about half of the video. But doing 30 push ups followed by 15 pull ups one after another is insane!  I normally do 15 or so push ups and the pace of the P90X is much slower since he pauses to explain a lot and to wait for everyone to finish. On the one-on-one videos it’s non stop punishment. I am pooped! hooray for 180 push ups!

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Round Two…. FIGHT!

Officially started Round 2 of P90x today and I am POOPED! I did some decent reps but its by no means easy.  Chest and Back Day 1 Completed. Let’s Hope for something Good.

Starting Stats:
Weight: 284 Lbs
Body Fat: 32.8 %

Weight : 260 Lbs
Body Fat: ??%

Wish me Luck!

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P90X Round 1 Completed!

The time has finally come and I am happy to say that I have completed the first round of P90x with some nice results. I am still a long way off from where I want to be but I got a really good head start. The pictures aren’t really that spectacular but the numbers don’t lie Here’s the info:

Total Weight Loss: 19 Lbs
Unfortunately I didn’t take good fat % readings up front so I don’t have any good data. But I did take measurements:

Well the pictures aren’t pretty but at least they some some of the improvements. It’s only more fuel to make me work harder. Round 2 Start soon!!!!

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… to generate the 1.21 Gigawatts of Electricity I need!

Plyo is indeed “The Mother” cause at day 70+ it still kicks my ass! In other news I burned 3, 556, 400 Joules during Plyo which is nerdy and awesome at the same time. When you put it like that It makes you re-think eating anything after working so damn hard.

Also, Im at 290 Lbs which equates to -17  Lbs wooo hooo! Slowly but surely I am seeing some progress which only gets me more excited for round 2. Who would have thought I would ever be excited for pain and suffering even with a nice reward.


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Day 60, Bring it!

So this is officially the longest workout regimen I have ever stayed with and I have to say I am very pleased. I took my day 60 pictures which aren’t really worth showing since they don’t really show that much difference even though I feel thinner. My pants are considerably loose and I am using a belt that previously I couldn’t even put the end of it through the buckle. I feel stronger and fitter and much better all around.

I was really excited to get to this week because I went back to the exercises I did during the first month where I frankly, was sucking big time. I could barely do 3 regular pushups much less a decline push up. I would pretty much do push ups on my knees and my decline would be the 4-5 regular pushups I could do. The difference was staggering. I was able to do all regular push ups and I went from doing 5-6 push ups on my knees to 15-20 regular push ups in all sets. I was shocked! at the level of strength I now have and here’s the proof.

Thanks to the fancy P90Xcel sheet I have which keeps track of all workouts and gives you neat little charts I Was able to display my improvement in push ups. Ridiculous! Granted, I still really suck at pull ups but those are MUCH harder to improve on since I gotta lift 294 Lbs!

So stats at day 60: 294 Lbs(-13), -2″ Waist, 33% body fatFeeling Great!

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A Week of Changes

Just returned from a Business trip to Canada feeling pretty bad about P90X and Tired. I had long flights here and there which were thankfully smooth as silk but still quite long. I found myself quite out of my element and tired which really didn’t lent well to me trying to workout while I was out of town. Needless to say it didn’t happen which made me feel kind of bad. Normally I don’t feel guilty about things like these but having spent more than a month working out every day, skipping out  a few days was BAD. The good news is that my meeting went VERY well and overall the trip was a success. I also ended up jumping to a smaller hole in my belt so I guess that was a bit of a small victory in a sea of defeat with my workout regimen.

In other news, I have vowed to give up one of the things that I love the most. Diet Coke. After a good friend brought up some recent reading she had done about diet sodas hampering weight loss and causing metabolism slowdowns we both decided to take the challenge and give up the Sweet dark nectar that is Diet Coke for a while and see if it does improve the weight loss. Today I drank my last can and it was as always a delight. I ended up doing snacks and dinner with lemon water wich besides lacking the fizz was not that bad.

In other, other news, I am trying a new recovery drink this week. The same friend that told me about the coke recommended the recovery drink she used when she was working out hard core a few years ago she said it really helped her and so I decided to give it a try. I bought it at amazon BSN Cellmass which of course was about half price of GNC. Seriously, who the F**k buys stuff at GNC? I guess either people that are clueless or that are in a hurry and don’t wanna wait for the shipping. This one is more like the P90X recovery drink since it has some creatine in it so we’ll see how it goes.

Wish me luck with the Coke!

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Phase 2

It’s been really tough keeping those carbs down so I’m going to give phase 2 a try and see. I don’t mind trading a protein for a carb. Of course this means that Im gonna have to work my ass off when I do the cardio workouts so I take care of that extra pair of carbs.  I haven’t really been going overboard at all. I’ve kept my calorie intake pretty steady throughout the weeks. I do eat pretty often during the day. I have my three snack bars (1 every couple of of hours or so). So I keep my metabolism active during the day.

We’ll see how it goes. I have another round of Chest, shoulders and triceps. Whoo!

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